Monday, March 07, 2011

Techie Shorts

The technology world always are a few of the big stories of last week:

This has to be a first...a book publisher named OR Books is collecting raw tweets posted during the recent revolution in Egypt. OR Books is compiling these 140 character nuggets of information into a book titled...Tweets from Tahrir. What an interesting idea...I'll bet this is not the last time this is done.

A few weeks ago it was revealed that several retailers beat the google algorithm. These companies found a way to make themselves the top results of millions of google searches by fooling the search giant's system. When google discovered the problem they threaten to pull the retailers from all queries. Last week google announced it was changing its algorithm to prevent future manipulation.

With the release of the iPad Two this Friday the war for tablet supremacy is heating up. Right now the three big in the market are the Xoom, iPad and Galaxy. The public is rating these tablets by size, weight, speed, resolution and of course price. Apple is controlling close to 90% of the tablet market right now...the competition needs to price slash if it wants to make a run at Apple.

The space shuttle Discovery is finishing up its last mission and will arrive back on earth, Wednesday. In 27 years Discovery has traveled 39 missions and covered 150 million miles in 365 days...truly an amazing feat, especially considering most of the coffee makers I buy only last a year.

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