Monday, November 22, 2004

Plans "yes", Plot Plans "no"

The Registry of Deeds does not have plot plans. Many, many Blogs ago this topic was discuss in detail. Still, a day doesn't go by without some poor homeowner calling or visiting the registry's Customer Service Department asking, "can I have a copy of my Plot Plan?". Even as this blog is being created a young women is standing at the Customer Service counter asking for the plot plan for her house. We politely tell people the registry has "Plans of Land" not Plot Plans. Of course, the difference is Plans of Land usually show many lots, not just one, and they seldom depict foundations. Most customers are not very happy when they ultimately find out they have to "pay" a professional to have a Plot Plan drawn. Most requests relate to boundary disputes (fences, shrubs etc) or building permits. A Plan of Land is little help in either of these cases. The registry's Plans are readily available. Also they can be viewed on the internet.

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